Comune di Riva di Solto (Bg): Il Comune e l'amministrazione comunale



Provincia di Bergamo

Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 22

24060 Riva di Solto (Bg)

Tel: 035.985100  -  Fax: 035.980763

P.IVA: 00542120167  -  C.F.: 00542080163

Scrivi al Comune



Riva di Solto - Comune On-Line


Comune On-Line

Raccolta differenziata

dei rifiuti


Il calendario

(Calendario Gen-Apr 2014)

(Calendario Mag-Ago 2014)

(Calendario Set-Dic 2014)

Alcuni consigli

I simboli sulle confezioni

Un'idea: il composter

Regolamento gestione rifiuti

Regolamento tassa rifiuti



Mode d'emploi

Comune on-line

Home Page


Separate rubbish collection:  instructions





Lange s in rallecting waste material.

The waste caissons will not be used any more


The users shall provide o select the following waste materials originded in this houses:

1 - Wet fraction (originoled in foods and meals preparation) will be put in the plastic bag collected every week.

2 - Paper and cardboard (newspapers, magazines, cardboards) not dirty as mixed with plastic, collected every 15 days.

3 - Plastic material (clean, bottles for: mineral water, detersives, food containers) in the yellow bag collected every 15 days.

4 - Glass (bottles and pats) and Tins (aluminium and iron for drinks and foods) in containers collected every 15 days.

5 - Dry fraction (waste material no included in previausl describd) in violet bags collected every week.


Attection: the bags shall be put near the house door


The container of wat fraction will be anytied by  collection personnel and must be recovered by the ownes.


Other material to be carried to the collecting center of commune:

  • Used car batteries – iron and metals

  • Exasted batteries- vegetable and mineral oil

  • Grass and wood

  • Rubbles and container of dangerans materials

  • Polystyrene of big dimension, near lamp and computer videos

  • Garden chairs, mattresses, ect

  • Freezers and electrical household appliances






- This comprises biodegradable refuse that can be used for compost: • cold food scraps: skin, cooked and raw meat, fish, bones, food that has gone bad or is past the sell-by date; • coffee grounds and filters, tea and camomile leaves and bags; • cooked and raw fruit and vegetable scraps, skins, stones, shells; • bread, pasta, rice, flour, eggshells, cheese; • wilted flowers, small quantities of leaves and branches; • feathers, corks; • wet or greasy kitchen paper.  - NOTE:  do not include hot or liquid waste items.



- All items that cannot be differentiated and reclaimed: • paper glasses and plates; • plasticised card food containers; • tracing, fax, adhesive, metallised and waxed paper, non-recyclable Tetrapack type milk and fruit juice cartons identified by the marking AC; • gravel or sand used as litter for cats and dogs; • gauze, plasters and dressings; • cotton buds, cellophane and plastic for packaging.



Scarica/visualizza l'opuscolo informativo su come si effettua la raccolta differenziata (formato pdf 1990 Kb)


Scarica/visualizza  il calendario completo 2014 con i giorni in cui vengono effettuati i passaggi per la raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti porta a porta nel Comune di Riva di Solto  

Per eventuali problemi e per avere informazioni sul materiale da separare, nonchι per possibili casi

di malfunzionamento del servizio θ attivato il seguente numero verde:

800 401106




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Per informazioni o segnalazioni riguardanti l'attivita' comunale: Scrivi al Comune

Comune di Riva di Solto

Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 22 - 24060 Riva di Solto (BG)

Tel.: 035.985100 - Fax: 035.980763

P.IVA: 00542120167  -  C.F.: 00542080163

Per informazioni, segnalazioni di

carattere generale scrivi al webmaster:

fax: 035.93731164 - 178 2285186